Friday, December 14, 2007

My Letter to Former President Bill Clinton

Dear Mr. Former President Clinton

I must tell you experience matters, but there is the right kind of experience and the wrong kind of experience. Barack Obama has the right kind of experience at this time of our History. He has also proven time after time that he has better judgment than Hillary. (Remember Iraq War and Iran resolution?) If I must remind you, back in 1992 you said judgment is greater than experience.

If we were to vote for people based on experience then Mr. President, you should not have been voted president in 1992 because George Bush had more experience than you. And if i must remind you, back in 1992 when you ran Geoarg Bush was a WWII veteran and you were a draft dodger. He was the Vice President of the United States in the administration of Ronald Reagan (1980 -1988). He had also served as a member of the United States House of Representatives for the 7th district of Texas (1967–1971), he was the United States Ambassador to the United Nations (1971–1973), Chairman of the Republican National Committee (1973–1974), Chief of the United States Liaison Office in the People’s Republic of China (1974–1976), and Director of Central Intelligence (1976–1977). Now you think about that before you utter one word about experience from that mouth or before you point a finger.

So cut the chase, you are not God and you are not the best politician either. Even if you are, that is not what America needs at this time. We need someone who will put an end to the game playing in politics, so that congress can actually do the people's business. Do you ever speak the truth Mr. President? Why do you have to resort to this? One of the best Presidents this country has ever had, Lincoln and JFK and even you had less experience than your opponent. Why can't you just accept or speak the truth for once? Why?

I must tell you Mr. President that is really like slick. The American people are tired of the media telling them what to do. They are tired of people like you feeding them lies or trying to brainwash them. They are tired of this nepotism that has been going on for the past 20 years or so. This is the 21st century; they don't want to go back to the 1990s. They don't want to fight the 1990s fights. They want someone who can unite this country again and divider. Eight years of your fights and eight years of President Bush's is enough pain for the country.

Mr. President, if Americans should always vote base on experience then, at this point I think you should ask your wife to step down and support one of the other candidates who clearly has more experience than your wife Sen. Clinton. For example, Joe Biden or Sen. Dodd or Dennis Kucinich. It will be a noble thing to do. If you can't do that the stop trying to brainwash voters.

Please do this country a favor and accept that Barack Obama or John Edwards of Joe Biden are all better candidates than your wife. For once President Clinton, speak the truth so my daughter can be healed again. Speak the truth so the American spirit can be awaken again. Speak the truth for the sake of all unborn children. Speak the truth so that our founding fathers can rest in peace.

Thank You

Potential Voter

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